Thank you to our generous sponsors during the 9th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium!

Original Live Dates: May 4-5 and 14, 2021

Cost: free to attend but everyone must register if they want to watch recorded sessions until May 2022

Click here to see agenda Click here to register


Platinum 2021 Symposium Sponsor:

Who attended the May 4-5 and 14, 2021 event? Energy industry (all sources of energy), environmental, renewables, researchers, scientists, venture capitalists and philanthropic organizations, energy-related organizations, law firms, entrepreneurs, small/medium/large companies in energy and environmental sectors, federal agencies, government, municipalities, elected officials, regulators, policy makers, utilities, academia, students, faculty & community.

We appreciate our sponsors! Our goal has and will always be to host a balanced, non-political, meaningful and timely event that has a focus on solutions and technologies that will make a lasting difference in Colorado, the United States and the world. For the past 9 years we have built a reputation for being an honest broker of information while inviting speakers who don’t always agree on viewpoints but who are willing to discuss and exchange ideas.


A LOOK BACK — Due to the pandemic we were forced to reschedule the April 2020 in-person event until May 2021. The good news is anyone may watch some or all of the recorded sessions on May 4, 5 and 14, 2021. Everyone must register first. Everyone then needs to complete one more step and “claim their account” on the virtual platform in order to watch recorded sessions.

Click here for more information

On April 1-2, 2019, the 8th annual event enjoyed 72 speakers in 18 different sessions including breakout sessions. The past symposia have a reputation for offering balanced, timely, educational and interesting energy-related topics. Close to 450 attendees, last year’s symposium offered a variety of topics including breakouts. For 2019 symposium go to

The symposia are co-hosted by the four Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory partners including University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This year’s symposium will be taken to the next level.

The ways in which we power the world are complex, and will only grow more so. Tackling that complexity will require advances in all energy sources, as well as in the ability to combine or switch seamlessly among them. Since 2007, the four Collaboratory entities have worked together on innovations and solutions involving research surrounding the full spectrum of energy sources, while partnering with their supply chains, industry & research partners.


Symposium Sponsorship Levels 2021

Below you will find 2021 sponsorship levels. All funds raised through sponsorships were deposited into the Collaboratory account operated by Colorado State University. Beyond the energy transition symposium and webinars hosted by the Collaboratory, our sponsor’s contribution greatly impacted the Collaboratory’s work between the four partners (CSU, CU Boulder, Mines, and NREL) in energy-related research. Why sponsors contributed to the 2021 energy transition symposium

Platinum Sponsorship

• Verbal recognition from speakers during virtual event
• Networking with attendees and sponsors will be encouraged
• Logo prominently placed in virtual platform
• Logo with hyperlink on symposium website
• Logo in virtual app
• High profile speaking session available

Gold Sponsorship $10,000

Opportunity to moderate a session or participant as a panelist
Verbal recognition from speakers during virtual event
• Networking with attendees and sponsors will be encouraged
• Logo placed on virtual platform
• Logo with hyperlink in symposium website
• Logo in virtual app

Silver Sponsorship $5,000

• Verbal recognition from speakers during virtual event
• Networking with attendees and sponsors will be encouraged
• Logo placed on virtual platform
• Logo with hyperlink in symposium website
• Logo in virtual app

Bronze Sponsorship $2,000

• Verbal recognition from speakers during virtual event
• Networking with attendees and sponsors will be encouraged
• Logo placed on virtual platform
• Logo with hyperlink in symposium website
• Logo in virtual app

Media Sponsorship


Supporting Organizations


The four Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory partners appreciates our generous sponsors this year. Please thank them!