
You can watch recorded sessions from the May 4, 5, and 14, 2021 21st Century Energy Transitions Symposium — Session topics below

  • The Biden-Harris Administration and the Return to the Paris Accord

  • A Utility Perspective: How Does the Shifting Focus of Federal & Regional Regulatory Drivers Affect Company Strategy on Climate Goals?

  • Powering Women in Energy

  • Clean Energy Investment: How Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG) is Playing a Big Role

  • How States are Moving the Needle in the Clean Energy Transition

  • A Cooperative Approach to Addressing Carbon

  • Three Revolutions: Steering Automated, Shared, & Electric Vehicles to a Better Future

  • The Future of Combustion in a Zero Carbon World

  • Technology Breakthroughs: Electrification Approaches

  • Envisioning the Building of the Future

  • Environmental & Energy Justice

  • CO2 Mitigation: Carbon Sequestration/Reuse/Storage, Soils, Waste Mitigation of Plastics

  • Meeting the Challenges of the Climate Crisis

  • The Importance of National Lab Collaboration with Research Universities & Industry

  • May 14, 2021: Decarbonization Solutions (5 minute rapid-fire presentations from researchers and scientists on a variety of technical solutions for a low carbon future — this is always a crowd favorite!)

    1. Electrochemical Energy Conversion
    2. Energy Efficient Systems & Materials
    3. Decarbonizing Industrial Heat
    4. Energy Cybersecurity
    5. Building-to-Grid Interactions
    6. NREL’s Electrification Futures Study
    7. Hydrogen
    8. Bioenergy & CBI
    9. CO2 Capture from Dilute Sources
    10. Hydrogen Storage & Carriers
    11. Air & Human Impacts
    12. Autonomous Controls for Power Grids
    13. Carbon Storage
    14. Supply Chain Transparency

Watch recorded sessions from May 4-5 and 14, 2021

Theme —- “Ideas. Innovation. Impact.”

Cost: Free of charge but everyone must register first in order to access recorded sessions or download speaker PPT slide decks. Click here to register

Format: 100% virtual

Who attended in 2021: Energy industry (all sources of energy), environmental organizations, climate advocates, renewables, researchers, scientists, venture capitalists and philanthropic organizations, energy-related organizations, law firms, entrepreneurs, small/medium/large companies in energy and environmental sectors, federal agencies, government, NGOs, municipalities, regulators, utilities, academia, students, faculty and community.

Co-hosts: The four entities that make up the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory which include University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Everyone must register first to access recorded symposium sessions!


During the pandemic, the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory remained steadfast, resilient and focused during this unprecedented time. Now more than ever we need to bring great minds and organizations together to solve complex systemic energy-related issues. There is a sense of urgency to connect dots between energy topics and other challenges including climate change, extreme weather events, environmental changes, greenhouse gas emissions, increasing chance of pandemics, and other realities. These all interconnect and impact each other.

2020-2021 energy-related webinars

Since May 2020, the four Collaboratory entities (University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, National Renewable Energy Lab) have been hosting multi-disciplinary energy-related webinars over the course of 2020-2021. Our goal is to continue serving our state, country and world by offering non-partisan, timely, thoughtful, educational, research/data based, and balanced webinars focused on specific topics. Webinars have include discussion around energy transition of electric vehicles, utilities, traditional energy sources, renewable natural gas, policy, regulations, renewable energy, the power of collaboration, diversity/equity/inclusion in the clean energy workforce, and other focused topics.

Our first webinar was held in May 2020 followed by 25+ others. These webinars all lead up to the May 4-5, and 14, 2021 energy transition symposium. Go to https://cercsymposium.org/

Cost: free webinars, registration required

Click here for more information about the 2020 - 2021 webinars!


Here’s what happened April 2019 at the 8th annual energy transition symposium

Click here to watch the 2019 post-event summary video

Since 2011 the past annual symposia offered a wide range of science, industry leadership, best practices, common sense regulations and policy implications across a broad spectrum of energy and sustainability issues. The 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium 2019 was the 8th annual event co-hosted by the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory (Collaboratory) — a unique and successful energy research partnership between University of Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Between 2011 and 2017, the annual energy symposia was hosted by Colorado State University. Building a national reputation of hosting an event focused on finding solutions, the symposia made sure speakers from different backgrounds and opinions had a voice at each session. Always held in the fall, the 8th annual symposium was held in the spring 2019.

With a reputation for independent research excellence, the four Collaboratory partners are uniquely positioned to help the public understand energy-related transitions occurring in Colorado, the West, the United States and internationally. The partners provided balanced, credible, and multi-disciplinary solutions to the complex problems facing the world.

The Collaboratory partners can directly address all the issues – energy sources, environmental, water, land use, oil and gas production, air, regulatory, policy and cultural – that are demanding public attention and discussion.

Here’s what happened in 2017 at the 7th annual symposium

The 7th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium was held on Oct 30-31, 2017 on Colorado State University’s campus in Fort Collins, Colorado. Learn More »

2017 Symposium

The 7th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium was held on Oct 30-31, 2017 on Colorado State University’s campus in Fort Collins, Colorado. Learn More »

The 6th annual 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium was held September 28-29, 2016 on the CSU campus in Fort Collins, Colorado. Click here for the 2016 agenda.

Symposium Press

The 2017 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium was held October 30-31. Click here to read stories from Coloradoan, the Reporter Herald and InnovatioNews.

Past Symposia

It is CSU’s goal to educate, inform and discuss complex issues while finding viable solutions. As in all six years, the CSU symposium steering committee has worked diligently and thoughtfully to offer all sides of the issues that identify Colorado State University as the “honest broker” of the information.
Learn More »

New Co-hosts. Broader mission. Driving Innovations.

The 2019 symposia’s new co-hosts reflects its broadening mission: Bringing together the best minds in academia, industry from all sources of energy, elected officials, federal, municipalities, community, small to large business, regulators and policymaking to offer innovative solutions for today’s energy challenges, within the natural gas industry, grid, renewables, utilities, transportation, transmission and beyond.

Keynote speakers and robust panels will be setting the tone of collaboration and partnerships. A “Powering Women in Energy” session will feature a top keynote speaker followed by a panel of experienced and distinguished women in energy fields. They will share their inspiring stories and discussed how to encourage women of any age and young women into STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) pathways. Men are ALWAYS encouraged to attend!

Attendees Over the Past 7 Years
Expert Moderators & Panelists Each Year
Symposia Panel Sessions Each Year

In the 2017 symposia, one of our keynote speakers was Amory Lovins, chief scientist and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Questions/Answers were moderated by former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, now Director at the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University. The title of his talk was “Disruptive Energy Futures”.

In 2017, another exciting keynote lunch panel featured three sitting Governors and one former Governor

Montana’s Governor Steve Bullock, Wyoming’s Governor Matt Mead, Colorado’s Governor John Hickenlooper were on stage with former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter as moderator. They discussed how governors can inspire non-partisan collaborations and regional cooperation by creating mutually beneficial initiatives and outcomes in a complex world of energy transitions.