Speaker Bios 2017

///Speaker Bios 2017
Speaker Bios 20172018-09-05T03:41:07+00:00

Monday, October 30

10:30 - 7:00 pm Registration – Lory Student Center Foyer, Colorado State University (CSU)
10:30 – 7:00 pm Exhibitors and Research Posters – Main Ballroom, Lory Student Center

All speaker sessions, exhibits and food will take place in the Lory Student Center Ballroom on the third floor.

Click to download printable agenda: Full Agenda in Brief — Oct 30-31 energy transition symposium

C3E Women in Clean Energy Luncheon

Men and women from all energy-related sectors and interests are encouraged to attend!

Location: Ballroom D, Lory Student Center

10:30 -11:15 am Registration & Networking

11:15 am Welcome Remarks by Energy Symposium Chair, Maury Dobbie, and MC of symposium

Maury Dobbie, Assistant Director, Center for the New Energy Economy, Colorado State University and Executive Director,
Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory (21st Century Energy Symposium Chair)

Since 2011, Maury Dobbie has been Assistant Director at the Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) at Colorado State University. In addition, Maury is the Executive Director for the Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory which is a research partnership between Colorado School of Mines, University of Colorado-Boulder, Colorado State University and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Maury began her entrepreneurial career at age 19. She has founded and operated six diverse companies, holding CEO or principal positions. Before joining CNEE, she was president/CEO of a regional not-for-profit economic development corporation in Northern Colorado. In 1994, Maury founded a video production company and expanded it rapidly into an award-winning multimedia enterprise, with a web-development department and live event services. Dobbie served as a board member on the Northern Colorado Clean Energy Cluster and has been a part of Colorado’s new energy economy initiative for years. She worked with industry partners to create Colorado State University’s Systems Engineering Program and the Clean Tech Certification Program at Front Range Community College. Over the years Maury has volunteered on many boards of directors. Maury was appointed by former Colorado Governor Bill Owens to serve on two state boards, Colorado Women’s Economic Development Council and the Colorado Film Commission. Appointed in 2009 by former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter, she has served as chair of the board for the Colorado Community College System, which oversees 13 community colleges in 38 locations around the state. Her commitment to the citizens of Colorado continues as she served on the state board when reappointed by current Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper.

11:30 am: Luncheon Keynote Panel - “Unleashing the Power of Women in Energy”


Bobi A. Garrett
Deputy Laboratory Director, Chief Operating Officer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

In the role as deputy laboratory director/chief operating officer (COO) of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Bobi Garrett operates with the decision authority of the director to integrate lab strategy and execution across mission and operations. She oversees planning and institutional performance management functions, assesses the effectiveness of business systems and infrastructure in supporting mission outcomes, and serves as the interface with DOE headquarters and the field office on operational and contract topics. She is a member of the Department of Energy, National Laboratory COO Council that collaborates across the DOE laboratories to share lessons learned and best practices to continually improve the effectiveness of laboratory operations. As a Battelle senior vice president, she engages with the COOs of Battelle-operated laboratories to implement training that enhances the safety culture of the laboratories. Prior to joining NREL in 1998, Ms. Garrett held a variety of line management and program leadership positions at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington where she had the opportunity to lead research efforts in energy, environment, defense, and health care for both government and commercial customers. Ms. Garrett has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Montana State University and an M.B.A. from the University of Washington. She serves on the board of CO-LABS, the consortium of federally-funded research institutions in Colorado and as a DOE-appointed ambassador for the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) program under the Clean Energy Ministerial. C3E focuses on attracting, retaining and advancing women in clean energy careers.


Amy R. Halloran, P.E.
Sr. Manager, 6120, Renewable Energy Technologies, Sandia National Laboratories

Amy Halloran, P.E., is the Sr Manager for Renewable Energy Technologies at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. She is responsible for Sandia’s $40M Renewable Energy Program which includes fundamental and applied R&D in the areas of Geothermal, Concentrating Solar, Solar Photovoltaics, Water, and Wind Energy for the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and private industry. She previously managed Sandia’s Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysics Departments and was the Deputy for Sandia’s Climate and Engineered Earth Systems Program. As part of that role she led Sandia’s multi-discipline Arctic Research portfolio. Prior to joining Sandia in 2011, Ms. Halloran spent 22 years at CH2M HILL managing and delivering projects in the areas of hazardous waste site investigation and cleanup, air pollution control, and industrial waste treatment. Her final position at CH2M HILL was Vice President and Technology Manager for their Environmental business line. Ms. Halloran has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Virginia Tech and an MS in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Laura Nelson
Governor’s Energy Advisor and Executive Director, Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development

In May 2016, Governor Gary R. Herbert appointed Dr. Laura Nelson to serve as his energy policy advisor, a position essential to ensuring the state’s on-going success in providing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to its citizens. Under this role, Dr. Nelson provides an integral perspective in strategically shaping Utah’s local and state priorities in advancing wise policy options for all forms of responsible energy and minerals development, including the innovations fueling the future. She is dedicated to working collaboratively with diverse stakeholders to deliver market solutions at home, as well as building bridges abroad to foster market expansion and foreign direct investment. Ever-committed to the success of Utah’s energy and minerals future, Dr. Nelson also continues to serve as the executive director of the Governor’s Office of Energy Development, a position she has held since July 2014.

Cathy Woollums
Senior Vice President, Environmental & Chief Environmental Counsel, Berkshire Hathaway Energy

Cathy Woollums is the Senior Vice President, Environmental and Chief Environmental Counsel for Berkshire Hathaway Energy and is responsible for the development and implementation of the company’s worldwide corporate environmental policy, strategy and programs; oversight of the organization’s environmental compliance assurance management activities and systems; environmental permitting, monitoring and reporting; and support of the company’s environmental litigation. Ms. Woollums has served as an environmental policy witness in federal and state regulatory proceedings, has testified before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and has participated in international climate change discussions.

12:35 pm: Next Steps and Future Vision for Colorado C3E’s vision for “Unleashing the Power of Women in Energy”

Dawn Putney
Founding President and Lead Strategist Toolbox Creative

Dawn Putney is the founding president and lead strategist at Toolbox Creative, a brand design firm for innovative technology companies. Before moving to Colorado in 1994, Dawn worked with some of the largest ad agencies in Minneapolis. With 30+ years as a brand designer, Dawn thrives on helping technologists, innovators and engineers tell the story of how their big ideas can change the world. Dawn is also the co-founder of Art Lab Fort Collins, an experimental, non-profit creating community spaces for 3 the arts. In addition to serving on the Colorado Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) steering committee, Dawn is proud to serve as a board member of Pretty Brainy, a non-profit that engages girls in STEAM learning. Dawn believes that elevating the conversation will change the face of women in technology and business leadership and is focused on building a future where women can more easily climb to the top of the business ladder. She truly believes that the future looks brighter and kinder when built by women.

Energy Transition Grand Challenges

Significant challenges exist between technology, policy, regulations and human behavior. This Symposium addresses grand challenges facing our region, country and world.

Location: Main Ballroom, Lory Student Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

1:00 - 2:00 pm: Grand Challenge #1 - Decarbonizing Fossil Fuels

With the world reaching near-total consensus on the seriousness of climate change impacts, efforts have intensified many-fold to find ways of reducing carbon emissions. One of the avenues being explored is ‘decarbonization’ of fossil fuel use by either decarbonizing the fuels before they are burnt or by capturing the CO2 they emit on combustion. In this session the various available options are reviewed in the context of their economic and environmental viability.


Mark Northam
Founding Director, Executive Director, School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming

Mark A. Northam is the founding Director of the School of Energy Resources at the University of Wyoming. He came to the university after a year and a half with Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia where he worked as a Research Science Consultant in the areas of Carbon Management and Technical Intelligence at the Research and Development Center. Prior to joining Saudi Aramco, Mark worked for over twenty years at Mobil and ExxonMobil, holding a variety of research, operations, and management positions in the US and Europe. Mark earned a Ph.D. degree in Organic Geochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Wake Forest University. He is originally from Virginia.


Jennifer Wilcox
Associate Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering Department, Colorado School of Mines

Jennifer Wilcox is an Associate Professor in the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at the Colorado School of Mines. Her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 2004 is from the University of Arizona, and her B.A. in Mathematics in 1998 is from Wellesley College. She received an ARO Young Investigator Award (Membrane Design for Optimal Hydrogen Separation), an ACS PRF Young Investigator Award (Heterogeneous Kinetics of Mercury in Combustion Flue Gas), and an NSF CAREER Award (Arsenic and Selenium Speciation in Combustion Flue Gas). Within her research group, she focuses on trace metal and CO2 capture. Her research involves the coupling of theory to experiment to test newly designed materials for sorbent or catalytic potential. She has served on a number of committees including the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society to assess CO2 capture methods and impacts on climate. She is the author of the first textbook on Carbon Capture, published in March 2012.

Kipp Coddington
Director, Energy Policy & Economics and Director, Carbon Management; Institute, School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming

A chemical engineer and lawyer, Mr. Coddington has more than two decades of experience in helping fossil and renewable energy companies address some of their most challenging energy, environmental, and climate change issues. He is an expert on carbon management technology, policy and transactions. Mr. Coddington co-founded the North American Carbon Capture & Storage Association. He is past chair of the International Organization for Standardization’s committee that is drafting the first technical standard for storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) during enhanced hydrocarbon recovery operations. With respect to CCS, Mr. Coddington has: (1) testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; and (2) advised the State of California and Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission. He lived in London for several years where he negotiated Kyoto Protocol transactions on behalf of a publicly traded investment fund. Mr. Coddington is a member of the National Coal Council’s Leadership Council; he chaired the NCC’s 2016 report on utilization of CO2. He is listed in Chambers Global/Climate Change; Chambers USA/Nationwide-Climate Change; Chambers USA/District of Columbia-Environment; International Who’s Who of Environmental Lawyers; and International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers. He has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University (1986; With Highest Distinction; Outstanding Senior Engineer) and a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University (1993; Magna Cum Laude; Order of the Coif).

Larry Baxter
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University

Larry Baxter (BS, PhD, Chemical Engineering) is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University (BYU) and the cofounder and technical director of Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES). His sustainable-energy-focused research involves carbon capture, energy storage, biomass and fossil fuel processing and nuclear energy. He joined the Chemical Engineering faculty at BYU in late 2000, having worked 14 years previously at Sandia National Laboratories’ Combustion Research Facility. In 2008, Prof. Baxter co-founded Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES, www.sustainablees.com), a company commercializing cryogenic carbon capture technology that has been field tested on power plant, heating plant, cement kiln and similar slip streams at scales up to 1 tonne per day of CO2. He has been principal investigator on more than $30M in funding from government and industrial sources at BYU and SES. Prof. Baxter seeks practical and economic solutions to regional and global energy and environmental issues.

2:10 - 3:10 pm: Grand Challenge #2 - Clean Energy Leadership by Cities, States, and Corporations

Given the current uncertainty regarding federal leadership on climate, response is increasingly being shouldered by cities, states, and corporations. This session explores their boots-on-the-ground initiatives aimed at local and regional clean energy strategies.


Judy Dorsey
President, Brendle Group

Judy Dorsey is the founding President of Brendle Group, an impact-driven, people-centered sustainability firm that helps clients solve complex sustainability challenges through practical planning, robust engineering and analysis, and actionable implementation. She is a valued collaborator offering 22 years of executive leadership in sustainability, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Her specialties include district-scale and community-scale planning in climate neutrality, clean energy, organizational development, and net zero energy and water initiatives. At Brendle Group, she has led the completion of more than 300 sustainability projects for over 150 clients across 30 states. Over the past 20 years, Judy grew Brendle Group’s five practice areas and four sectors into an award-winning consulting group. She also serves on the advisory board for Colorado State University’s Energy Institute and is founder of Colorado C3E, an initiative to advance women in clean energy. Judy is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2011 U.S. Senate Certificate of Special Recognition as a Leader in Engineering Sustainable Change, the 2012 M.I.T Clean Energy Education and Empowerment Award for entrepreneurship and innovation, the 2016 National Ski Area Association Industry Impact Award, and is currently featured at the Smithsonian Institution’s Places of Invention exhibit.


Mark Hartman
Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Phoenix

Mark is Phoenix’s Chief Sustainability Officer, charged to catalyze the long list of actions already underway to help Phoenix become a global leader in sustainability. Most recently, in April 2016, Phoenix City Council approved the long term Environmental Goals that include becoming a Carbon-Neutral City operating on 100% clean energy, zero waste, a 100-year supply of water, clean air, parks and transit in every neighborhood, and a vibrant food system. Mark formerly worked at the City of Vancouver for eight years in Sustainability leading their carbon neutral buildings strategy and their green building code as well as supporting Vancouver’s ambition to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. Mark holds an MBA from Heriot -Watt University and is a LEED accredited professional.

Mark Pischea, Director, Conservative Energy Network
Mark Pischea wears a number of hats – serving as President of the Conservative Energy Network, and also as Managing Partner of Sterling Corporation, a Republican political consulting firm locating in Lansing, Michigan. Since helping to devise and launch the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum, the nation’s first state-based conservative clean energy organization, in 2013; Mark helped start similar efforts in North Carolina in 2014, then Ohio and Minnesota in 2015. Thinking they were on to something, Pischea next created the Conservative Energy Network in 2016 with an initial roster of 7 state teams. By the end of 2016, Mark and his team helped build CEN into a 19-state Network that has become the driving force behind the emerging conservative clean energy movement in state capitols across America. A 35-year veteran of GOP campaigns, Mark served as Political Director for the Michigan Republican Party in the 1980’s, and worked for President George H.W. Bush as Political Director for the Michigan Victory ’88 campaign. After helping to elect Governor John Engler in 1990, Mark moved to Capitol Hill, serving as Deputy Executive Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee – managing the Committee’s Campaign Division, which oversaw the GOP’s 435 congressional races in the Party’s historic 1992 election – the only time either Party gained seats in Congress while losing the White House. Pischea then moved back to Michigan, working for several consulting firms before joining Sterling in 2010. Mark earned his Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Political Science and History from Central Michigan University.

Joe Reynolds
Chairman, Nevada Public Utilities Commission
Joe Reynolds was appointed to serve as the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada by Governor Brian Sandoval in October 2016. Prior to his appointment to the PUCN, Chairman Reynolds served as Governor Sandoval’s General Counsel, and first joined the Governor’s Staff as the Deputy Chief Counsel in 2014. Before joining the Governor’s Office, Chairman Reynolds was the Chief Deputy Attorney General for the Bureau of Litigation of the Nevada Attorney General’s Office under former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, where he advised numerous state agencies, supervised a team of civil litigators, and represented the State of Nevada and its officers at all levels of complex state and federal litigation. A former prosecutor, Chairman Reynolds served as Senior Deputy District Attorney for the Lyon County District Attorney’s Office, where he prosecuted felony and misdemeanor crimes; conducted jury trials and sentencing hearings; handled juvenile, guardianship, and child support proceedings; and was responsible for all appellate matters and writ petitions. Chairman Reynolds has successfully briefed and orally argued cases before the Nevada Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. He has also appeared in civil and criminal cases before various justice courts and district courts throughout the State of Nevada, as well as administrative proceedings before state regulatory bodies. Chairman Reynolds also was a law clerk for the former Vice Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court C. Clifton Young in 2001-2002, and worked for nearly five years in the Central Legal Staff of the Nevada Supreme Court. Raised in Las Vegas, Chairman Reynolds studied to be a high school English teacher and earned his undergraduate degree in Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and his law degree from Gonzaga University in Washington. During law school, he served as a legal intern for the United States Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice.

3:20 - 4:20 pm: Grand Challenge #3 - Effective Cyber and Energy Security

The national energy network in the United States consists of a highly interlinked set of electric lines, pipelines, roads, rail lines, generating assets, and sprawling distribution grids. Coordination of these complex assets is through computer networks that are the subject of increasing concerns about vulnerability to malicious hacking, weather events, national disasters or inadvertent system failures. This session explorers the issue of vulnerability of the information networks that control our energy infrastructure.


Alan Rudolph
Vice President of Research, Colorado State University

Dr. Rudolph has had an active career in translating interdisciplinary life sciences into useful applications for technology development. His experience spans basic research to advanced development in government laboratories, the nonprofit and private sectors and most recently in academia. He has published more than 100 technical publications, 3 books and 15 patents in areas including molecular biophysics, lipid self-assembly, drug delivery, blood substitutes, medical imaging, tissue engineering, neuroscience, and diagnostics. After a decade at National Research Council, he was recruited to join the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, to lead new strategic efforts to extract and exploit useful principles and practices in life sciences and technology and establish an agency-wide strategy for investments in biosciences and biotechnology. As Chief of Biological Sciences and Technology, Dr. Rudolph established a framework for investments in interdisciplinary life sciences that continues today. In 2003, he founded two biotechnology companies with one currently in human clinical development of novel blood therapeutics. Dr. Rudolph served in the Senior Executive Service leading the nation’s investments in biological threat defense and biosecurity from 2010-2013. Dr. Rudolph started the International Neuroscience Network Foundation in 2006 that has funded research over the last decade in brain machine interface science and education. He has a doctorate degree in zoology from the University of California at Davis and an MBA from George Washington University.


Andrew Bochman
Senior Cyber and Energy Security Strategist, Idaho National Labs

Andy provides strategic guidance to senior USG and industry leaders on topics at the intersection of grid modernization and security. Previously he was the Global Energy & Utilities Security Lead at IBM and Senior Advisor at the Chertoff Group in Washington, DC. A frequent speaker, writer and standards developer, Andy has provided analysis on energy sector security actions, standards and gaps to DOE, DOD, FERC, NERC, NIST, NARUC, the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC), and state utility commissions, most recently testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on energy infrastructure cybersecurity issues. His two most recent papers, both published by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), are “the National Security Case for Simplicity in Energy Infrastructure” (2015) and “IoT, Automation, Autonomy and Megacities in 2025: A Dark Preview” (2017).

Steve Brown
Vice President and Chief Security Officer, Xcel Energy

Steve Brown is the Vice President, Enterprise Security Services and Chief Security Officer of Xcel Energy. He is responsible for all aspects of the company’s Cyber Security, Physical Security, Enterprise Continuity, Strategy Performance, and Security Governance & Risk Programs. A seasoned information security executive, Steve has over 35 years of industry and military experience in the field of security. Prior to Xcel Energy, he was the Vice President & Deputy CISO at Hewlett Packard, responsible for global security operations. He spent 13 years with Wells Fargo as the Senior Vice President of Information Management and Enterprise Information Security Operations. He started his career in the US Navy, where he spent 20 years in technical and leadership positions in Information Warfare, Signals Intelligence and Network Operations. Steve previously sat on the Board of Directors for Information Technology Information Sharing Analysis Center (IT-ISAC), the Board of Directors of the Financial Services ISAC (FS-ISAC), and as the co-chair of the Minnesota CSO Summit. Steve has a Bachelor of Science in Information Management from the University of Maryland and an Executive MBA from the University of Michigan.

Donald Paul
Executive Director, USC Energy Institute, Professor of Engineering, William M. Keck Chair of Energy Resources

Donald Paul is the Executive Director of the USC Energy Institute, Professor of Engineering, and holds the William M. Keck Chair of Energy Resources. The USC Energy Institute supports university-wide research, education, workforce development, and commercialization initiatives with industry and governments in the area of “intelligent energy”, involving the intersection of digital technologies, systems engineering, and energy infrastructures. Major programs include: digital oilfields, smart power grids, and cyber-physical security for critical energy infrastructures. Dr. Paul had a distinguished 33-year career with the Chevron Corporation, retiring in June 2008 as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. During his career, he advanced through positions of increasing responsibility in research and technology, exploration and production operations, and executive management, including appointment as the president of Chevron’s Canadian subsidiary. He also served as the senior officer responsible for Chevron’s global cyber-security technology programs, implementation, and related compliance processes. Dr. Paul also serves as a Senior Advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. and in 2014, was re-appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Energy to serve as an academic representative to the National Petroleum Council. He participates in advisory roles at several major universities (including USC, MIT, Harvard, Rice, Stanford, and the University of Texas), governments and national laboratories, oil and gas companies, power utilities, and technology companies. He is frequently recruited to speak at national and international forums on the future of energy, the cyber-security of energy systems, intelligent energy infrastructures, petroleum economics, and energy careers. He holds B.S., M.S., and PhD degrees from MIT and an honorary doctorate from the Colorado School of Mines.

4:30 – 5:10 pm: MJ Bradley Natural Gas Supply Collaborative Report


Governor Bill Ritter, Jr.
Director, Center for the New Energy Economy

Governor Bill Ritter was elected Colorado’s 41st governor in 2006. During his four-year term, Ritter established Colorado as a national and international leader in clean energy by building a New Energy Economy. After leaving the Governor’s Office, Ritter founded the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University, which works with state and federal policy makers to create clean energy policy throughout the country. Governor Ritter has authored a book that was recently published entitled, Powering Forward – What Everyone Should Know About America’s Energy Revolution.


Robert LaCount
Executive Vice President, M.J. Bradley & Associates

Rob has over 24 years of professional experience working at the intersection of energy and environmental issues, with deep expertise in the electric power and natural gas industries, environmental policy, and clean energy. At MJB&A, Rob assists clients on a wide range of topics including clean energy strategy, policy assessment, and market & scenario analysis. Rob leads the firm’s natural gas practice and works closely with clients in MJB&A’s Natural Gas Downstream Initiative and Natural Gas Supply Collaborative. Before joining MJB&A, Rob worked for IHS where he managed environmental, climate change, and clean energy research and launched the IHS Climate Change and Clean Energy Forum. Prior to IHS, Rob worked for PG&E National Energy Group as Director of Environmental Policy and Strategy and held senior-level positions at the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Maryland Department of the Environment. While in government, Rob managed the design and implementation of numerous environmental regulations and emissions trading programs. Rob has testified before the US Congress and has worked with a wide range of stakeholders including foreign governments, US federal and state governments, industry groups, and nongovernmental organizations in the development of environmental and energy policies.

Kate Fay
Environmental and Regulatory Policy Manager, Noble Energy

Ms. Kate Fay joined Noble Energy in 2013 as Environmental and Regulatory Policy Manager. Based in Denver, Ms. Fay reports to Noble’s Corporate Offices in Houston and manages a host of federal and state focused environmental policy initiatives. Previously, Ms. Fay served in the Obama Administration as the EPA Region 8 Energy and Climate Advisor. During the tenure of Governor Bill Ritter, Ms. Fay was Energy Manager for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, where she led the Department’s participation in the overhaul of Colorado’s oil and gas regulations. Ms. Fay spent much of her early career in the private sector where we focused on air quality and public lands permitting and policy matters. Her initial opportunity to serve in the public sector was in 1988-1992 when she moved to Washington, DC to be the Policy Analyst and Advisor to the EPA Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation during the reauthorization and subsequent implementation of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Ms. Fay holds a B.S. degree in natural resources economics and public policy from the University of California, Berkeley; was a German Marshall Fund Environment Program Fellow; and has been adjunct professor at the University of Colorado, Denver Graduate School of Architecture and Planning. She currently serves on the Advisory Council and the Energy Innovation Board of the CU Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment.

Cheryl Campbell
Senior Vice President of Gas, Xcel Energy

Cheryl Campbell has over 30 year’s energy industry experience, with the last 13 at Xcel Energy. Her current focus as the Senior Vice President for Xcel Energy’s gas business is driving industry leading programs for employee and public safety, risk management and carbon footprint reduction across 8 states. Xcel Energy is a founding partner in EPA’s Methane Challenge program, is active in the NaturalGas Star program and works collaboratively with several utilities to improve the overall environmental footprint of gas operations. Ms. Campbell’s experience includes engineering design, supply and storage management, operations, strategic planning, marketing, and rates and regulations. Ms. Campbell has regulatory experience at both the State and Federal level. Ms. Campbell holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Colorado at Boulder as well as a Master of Science in Finance with a minor in Management from the University of Colorado at Denver. She serves on the Boards for the Colorado Oil and Gas Association and the Engineering Advisory Committee for the Engineering College at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is a member of the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline Advisory Committee as well as holding an active leadership role with the American Gas Association. Ms. Campbell testified before a congressional sub-committee on gas pipeline safety, supporting the passage of the 2016 gas pipeline safety reauthorization.

5:10 – 6:00 pm: Public Reception

Location: Main Ballroom, Lory Student Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

6:00 pm Evening Keynote Address - “Disruptive Energy Futures

Location: Main Ballroom, Lory Student Center

Moderator: Bill Ritter, former Colorado Governor, now Director, Center for the New Energy Economy, Colorado State University

Amory Lovins
Chairman Emeritus, Chief Scientist, Co-founder, Rocky Mountain Institute

Physicist Amory Lovins (1947) is cofounder and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute (www.rmi.org ); energy advisor to major firms and governments in 65+ countries for 40+ years; author of 31 books and 600+papers; and designer of superefficient buildings, factories, and vehicles. He received the Blue Planet, Volvo, Zayed, Onassis, Nissan, Shingo, and Mitchell Prizes, MacArthur and Ashoka Fellowships, 12 honorary doctorates, the Heinz, Lindbergh, Right Livelihood (“alternative Nobel”), National Design, and World Technology Awards, and the Officer’s Cross of the Orderof Merit (awarded by the President of Germany). A Harvard and Oxford dropout, former Oxford don, honorary US architect, and Swedish engineering academician, he’s taught at ten universities, most recently Stanford’s Engineering School and the Naval Postgraduate School. He’s a member of the U.S. National Petroleum Council and a member of the Chief of Naval Operations’ Advisory Board. Time has named him one of the world’s 100 most influential people; Foreign Policy, one of the 100 top global thinkers.

21st Century Energy Transition Symposium

Tuesday, October 31

7:00 – 4:00 pm: Registration – Lory Student Center Foyer, Colorado State University (CSU)
7:00 – 5:00 pm: Exhibitors & Research Posters – Main Ballroom, Lory Student Center

All speaker sessions, exhibits and food will take place in the Lory Student Center Ballroom on the third floor

8:00 – 8:15 am: Welcome

Governor Bill Ritter, Jr.

Director, Center for the New Energy Economy

See bio above


8:15 - 9:15 am: Session 1 - Setting the Stage

As societies transition to more interconnected and interdependent energy systems over the next number of decades, we will be faced with several transitional challenges in cyber and energy security, social and economic justice, the management of environmental impacts and resource conflicts, evolving policy and regulatory landscapes, and the need for new business models to drive innovation in energy production, distribution, and end-use. This session will explore these and other energy challenges that lie ahead.


Cherry Murray
Benjamin Peirce Professor of Technology and Public Policy; John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Professor of Physics, Harvard University

Cherry Murray has many research accomplishments in the areas of light scattering, soft condensed matter physics, surface physics and nanostructures. Her current interests are in public policy for science and technology and national security. Murray is a member of the Nat. Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Nat. Academy of Engineering. She has served on over 80 national and international advisory committees/boards and as a member of the Nat. Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. Dr. Murray served as the Director of the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, from 2015 until 2017, overseeing $5.5 billion in competitive scientific research in the areas of advanced scientific computing, basic energy sciences, biological and environmental sciences, fusion energy sciences, high energy physics, and nuclear physics, as well as the management of 10 national laboratories. She was dean of Harvard University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences from 2009 until 2014, and Principal Associate Director for Science and Technology from 2007 to 2009 and Deputy Director for Science and Technology from 2004 to 2007 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. From 1978 to 2004, Dr. Murray held a number of executive positions at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, formerly AT&T Bell Laboratories and previously Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. She obtained a B.S. and a PhD in physics from M.I.T.


Jon Goldin-Dubois
President, Western Resource Advocates

Jon Goldin-Dubois is the President of Western Resource Advocates. He is a native Westerner and has been an innovator within the nonprofit community for almost 30 years. His background includes strategic advocacy, fundraising, campaign leadership, policy development and analysis, and grassroots organizing. His career spans several disciplines, including a wide variety of work on environmental, conservation and energy issues, government reform and accountability, and youth and international development. Jon has provided strategic guidance to non-profit organizations developing diverse coalitions, training leaders around the globe in effective advocacy skills, and planning successful campaigns to address a broad array of social and environmental challenges.


Austin Lannes Brown
Executive Director, Policy Institute for Energy, the Environment, and the Economy, University of California, Davis

Austin Brown is Executive Director of the Policy Institute for Energy, the Environment, and the Economy at the University of California, Davis. In this role, he builds strong connections between the research and policy communities at the local, state, and national levels. Dr. Brown brings to his position experience as both a scientist and a policy researcher. After earning his B.S. in physics from Harvey Mudd College and his Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford University, he moved to Washington, DC, to apply his scientific training to federal government. Dr. Brown spent nine years working for the Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He also served an extended detail as Assistant Director for Clean Energy and Transportation at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy under the Obama Administration. During this period, Dr. Brown led technology and policy analysis projects exploring transformative options for clean transportation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy with a focus on fighting climate change. He began his current position at UC Davis in June 2017 and brings a focus on clean energy and sustainable transportation to the Policy Institute. Dr. Brown is passionate about helping the United States build a future in which energy is clean, sustainable, affordable, and reliable domestically and worldwide. As an avid runner, scuba diver, and skier, he is committed to ensuring that our natural world remains as rich and beautiful for coming generations as it is today.

Jim Piro
CEO, Portland General Electric

Jim Piro, who joined Portland General Electric (PGE) in 1980 as a civil engineer, has more than 43 years’ experience in the energy industry, 37 years with PGE. As CEO, he oversaw the addition of new and more efficient generating resources – including Biglow Canyon phases II and III and Tucannon River wind farms, two natural gas-fired plants in Clatskanie and Boardman, Ore., which are designed to ensure that PGE meets its customers’ energy needs affordably and reliably. Under his leadership, PGE has continued to strengthen the company’s transmission and distribution infrastructure to ensure a safe, smart, and more resilient grid. Piro has also been a prominent voice within the Oregon community, and the broader energy industry serving on the state’s Global Warming Commission and chairing the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Investment Council and the boards of the Oregon Business Council, All Hands Raised, Greater Portland Inc., the PGE Foundation and the Edison Electric Institute. He is also a member of the Electrification Coalition, a national group of business leaders advocating for policies that support the adoption of electric vehicles.

9:20 - 10:20 am: Session 2 - Behavioral and Human Dimensions

Understanding human behavior and social structures are critical to achieving energy and climate goals. As we drive vehicles and use energy to service our homes and workplaces, human behavior is a central part of optimizing energy performance. For this reason, energy professionals working to promote new energy initiatives are beginning to factor behavioral dynamics into their plans. Likewise, technological advances in artificial intelligence, smart controls, and automation enable new interactions between users and energy systems. At the community and structural levels, various considerations related to energy poverty and access to affordable technologies must be centrally considered in discussions of human behavior and interactions with energy systems. This session explores the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of energy users and the energy systems around them as well as structural insights into how people consume and can access different energy sources.


Stephanie Malin
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Colorado State University

Stephanie A. Malin is an environmental sociologist specializing in environmental and natural resource sociology, governance, and rural development, with a focus on the community impacts of resource extraction and energy production. Her main interests include environmental justice, environmental health, social mobilization, and the socio- environmental effects of market-based economies. Stephanie serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Colorado State University, where she is an award-winning teacher of courses on environmental justice, water and society, and environmental sociology. She is also the author of The Price of Nuclear Power: Uranium Communities and Environmental Justice and has published her research in journals such as Environmental Politics, the Journal of Rural Studies, and Society and Natural Resources. Her work is supported by grants through the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (part of National Institutes of Health), the Rural Sociological Society’s Early Career Award, and the CSU Water Center’s Faculty Fellowship. Stephanie has enjoyed serving in elected leadership positions for the American Sociological Association’s Section on Environmental Sociology and the International Association for Society and Natural Resources. She completed a Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at Brown University after earning her Ph.D. in Sociology from Utah State University. In her precious free time, Stephanie gets outdoors to camp, hike, and just enjoy our public lands with her husband and dog.


Bas van Ruijven
Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD)

Bas van Ruijven is Project Scientist with the Integrated Assessment Modeling group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO and Research Scientist at the Boston University Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. Bas holds an MSc in Environmental Science (2004) and a PhD in Energy Science (2008) from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Between 2008 and 2011, Bas was Policy Researcher at the IMAGE Integrated Assessment group at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). During his PhD research, Bas has been visiting researcher at Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden, and stayed several months in India, at IGIDR, Mumbai and IISc Bangalore. Bas’ research interests cover a wide range of topics, from energy and technology scenarios to energy transitions in developing countries and the impacts of climate change. His current work focusses on modeling heterogeneous household behavior in global IAMs and on energy impacts of climate change. Bas contributed to several IAM comparison projects, such as the Asian Modeling Exercise (AME) and the Latin America Modeling Project (LAMP). He has been a lead author for UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlook 4 and the Global Energy Assessment (GEA). Bas represents NCAR on the Scientific Steering Committee of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC) and co-chairs the working group on “future scenarios for impacts, adaption and vulnerability indicators” of the International Committee On New Integrated Climate change assessment Scenarios (ICONICS).

Dave Ciplet
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Colorado

David Ciplet is a sociologist focused on global governance, environmental inequality, and climate justice. He is lead author of Power in a Warming World: The New Global Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality (MIT Press, 2015). He has published articles in journals such as Global Environmental Change, Global Governance, Review of International Political Economy and Global Environmental Politics. With a commitment to broadening the public conversation on climate change and social justice, his work has been featured in media outlets including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, Bloomberg Businessweek, Reuters, Radio Australia, and The International Herald Tribune. Ciplet is co-founder and co-director of the CU Boulder Just Transition Collaborative (JTC). The JTC’s mission is to support more just energy, climate, environmental and labor practices that foster the inclusion of underrepresented peoples and values. The JTC is currently working to advance environmental justice in the transition to a sustainable economy in Boulder County.

Richard Caperton
Director of National Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Oracle Utilities

Richard W. Caperton is the Director of National Policy and Regulatory Affairs for Oracle Utilities. Caperton leads the company’s state regulatory work across eastern North America, as well as any engagements with the federal government, including Congress, administrative agencies, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He also guides the company’s global regulatory strategy on demand response and electricity market design. Prior to joining Oracle, Caperton was the Managing Director for Energy at the Center for American Progress, where he worked on energy tax and finance policy and electric utility issues. He has also worked in government relations at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and served as a policy fellow at the Alliance for Climate Protection. He currently serves on the board of the Clean Energy Leadership Institute and teaches graduate students at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Caperton is a native of rural America, growing up in Virginia and Missouri. He received his M.B.A. from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and a B.A. in politics from Pomona College.

10:30 - 11:50 am: Session 3 - The Grand Challenges Facing Our Country: Solutions and Innovations

This session provides several excellent examples of how research scientists are solving the complex energy issues our world is facing today. From new methods of producing energy to mitigating environmental impacts to improving the efficiency of end-use systems, listen as researchers share information on technologies nearing commercial viability.


Bryan Willson
Executive Director, Energy Institute; Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University

Dr. Bryan Willson is Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Colorado State University, where he also serves as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He served as a Program Director at ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy, from 2012-2016 and continues to serve as a consultant / advisor to the agency. Dr. Willson has worked for over 25 years to develop and deploy large-scale technology solutions related to energy, air quality, and human health. As an entrepreneur, Dr. Willson is co-founder of: Envirofit International, a global company that has developed solutions for clean mobility (direct injection retrofits for 2-stroke cycle engines) and is now manufacturing and distributing clean cookstoves in the developing world; Solix BioSystems, a developer of large-scale production systems for algae-based fuels and specialty chemicals; and Factor(e) Ventures, a venture development firm supporting early stage ventures working on access to energy in the developing world. In his university role, he has helped to launch or enhance numerous other companies. His research laboratory, the Engines & Energy Conversion Laboratory, has made important contributions in many areas, including: internal combustion engines, oil & gas production technology, advanced electrical grids, advanced biofuels, technology for the developing world, and advanced building technologies. Dr. Willson has worked in over 40 countries.


Panelist #1: CSU Technology for Optimizing Logistics in Produced Water Management

Ashwin Dhanasekar, Research Associate, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department; Assistant Director

Colorado State University, Center for Energy-Water Sustainability; Ashwin Dhanasekar is a Research Associate at Colorado State University and the Assistant Director for the Center for Energy Water Sustainability (CEWS). He has a Masters in Environmental Engineering from CSU and an undergrad in Chemical Engineering from Anna University (India). He is currently working through the CEWS with operators and service companies to help manage their water more efficiently, solving energy-water issues. His previous work includes modeling DSTs, setting up real-time monitoring networks and designing integrated systems to optimize water management with a focus on beneficial reuse of wastewater.

Panelist #2: Methane Emissions

Greg Rieker
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado

Greg Rieker is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. He leads the Precision Laser Diagnostics Laboratory, which aims to understand and improve energy and atmospheric systems through laser-based sensing. The laboratory recently spun out LongPath Technologies, Prof. Rieker’s second startup, that will offer methane monitoring and leak detection services on a regional basis for oil and gas companies. Greg earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology, and MS and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University. He was awarded an NRC research associateship at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which he completed before joining the University of Colorado in 2013. Greg received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2015.

Panelist #3: Carbon Fiber for Wind Technologies

Derek Berry
Senior Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Derek Berry is a Senior Engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado and the Director of the Wind Turbine Technology Area within the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) – a Manufacturing USA Institute. For the previous seven years, he was the NREL Engineering Supervisor at the Wind Technology Testing Center (WTTC) located in Boston, Massachusetts, where he was responsible for large scale wind turbine blade test engineering operations. He also currently serves as the United States delegate to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) technical committees for Full Scale Wind Turbine Blade Structural Testing (IEC 61400-23) and for Wind Turbine Blade Design and Manufacturing (IEC 61400-5). Prior to joining NREL, Derek spent 15 years as a wind blade design, manufacturing and testing engineer at TPI Composites in Warren, Rhode Island. Derek is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in aeronautical engineering.

Panelist #4 Carbon Capture, Reuse &Sequestration

Mark Northam
Executive Director, School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming
See bio above

Panelist #5 The Future for Coal Use in the U.S.

Eric Eddings
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah; Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah

Dr. Eric G. Eddings is the Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering, and is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Utah, where he has been employed since 1998. Dr. Eddings and his graduate students and research staff are engaged in research that ranges from fundamental lab-scale investigations through pilot-scale process evaluation of new energy-related technologies. Recent research includes: production of carbon fiber from coal-derived pitch, use of TiO2 nanotubes for photo-electro-catalytic oxidation of coal for hydrogen production, oxy-coal combustion to facilitate CO2 capture; biomass pyrolysis for the production of bio-derived fuels and products; underground thermal treatment of coal for the production of lower-carbon gaseous and liquid fuels; bench- and pilot-scale experimental investigations of pollutant (e.g. NOx/SOx) formation and control from coal, biomass and other solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; and the development of advanced optical diagnostic techniques for combustion environments.

Panelist #6 Low-cost Technologies to Quantify Pollutants in Air and Water

Chuck Henry
Chair of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Chemistry Department Chair and Professor, Colorado State University

Charles received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Missouri Southern State College Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Arkansas followed by postdoctoral studies as an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the University of Kansas. He started his academic career at Mississippi State University before moving to Colorado State University in 2002. He is currently full professor and department chair of Chemistry at Colorado State University and also serves as a faculty member in Chemical & Biological Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. His research group focuses on developing new sensors and separation systems using lab-on-a-chip methods.

Panelist #7: Autonomous Vehicles

Research at the Engines and Energy Conversion Lab at Colorado State University, April 25, 2017.

Tom Bradley
Associate Professor of Mechanical, Engineering & Systems Engineering, Colorado State University

Dr. Thomas H. Bradley is Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Systems Engineering at the Colorado State University. He has earned BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California ” Davis, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology with an emphasis in systems engineering and decision support. Primary research interests include the design of automotive, aerospace and energy systems; integrated controls and design optimization; and the validation of engineering design.

Panelist #8: Bioenergy from Beetle-Kill Wood: the BANR Project

John Field
Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Colorado State University

John Field is a research scientist at the Colorado State University Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory. He studies the climate mitigation potential of bioenergy systems at the intersection of ecosystem process modeling, lifecycle assessment, and sustainable land use planning. He has contributed to research projects on switchgrass cultivation in the Great Plains, biochar production in the Colorado Front Range, gasification of agricultural wastes in Southeast Asia, and identification of marginal lands across the US. He is also the project manager for the Bioenergy Alliance Network of the Rockies (BANR), a USDA-NIFA CAP consortium studying the viability and sustainability of utilizing beetle-killed wood as a feedstock for carbon-negative bioenergy production. He received his BSc from Case Western Reserve University, and worked in the private sector doing R&D on small-scale solid oxide fuel cell power systems prior to pursing a PhD through the CSU Department of Mechanical Engineering as a fellow in the Multidisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Bioenergy NSF IGERT program. When John isn’t writing or coding, he likes to be hiking or skiing up in the mountains of Colorado.

11:50 – 12:30 pm: Lunch Buffet (Served in Ballroom B-D, Lory Student Center)

12:30 – 1:30 pm: Session 4 - Governors’ Lunch Keynote Panel

Governors can inspire non-partisan collaborations and regional cooperation by creating mutually beneficial initiatives and outcomes in a complex world of energy transitions. This session will explore issues and opportunities facing Governors in the ever-changing landscape of energy development, technology innovation, and shifting consumer needs for energy.


Former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter
See bio above

Governor John Hickenlooper

John Hickenlooper is a former geologist and entrepreneur, who recently added “author” to his resume with the publication of his memoir, The Opposite of Woe: My Life in Beer and Politics. He champions innovation, collaboration and efficiency. When he was inaugurated Governor of Colorado in 2011, having run on his history of collaboration for community good, he became the first Denver mayor to be elected governor in 140 years. He also became the first geologist to become a governor in the history of the nation, and the first brewer since Sam Adams in 1792. Again he has recruited talent from all quarters, and is redefining the relationship between a state government and its business and civic communities. Since taking office in 2011, the Governor and his team have endeavored to make Colorado the most pro-business state, with the highest environmental and ethical standards. He is a great believer that governors, far more than Congress, can revive American democracy.

Governor Matt Mead

Matt Mead, Wyoming’s 32nd Governor, took office in January 2011 and is serving his second term. He was born and raised in Jackson. After earning a law degree from the University of Wyoming, he served as a prosecutor, practiced in a private firm, and served as U.S. Attorney. He maintains a farm and ranch business with his wife Carol in southeast Wyoming. Governor Mead initiated a comprehensive state energy strategy released in 2013 and updated in 2016. He initiated an innovative state water strategy released in 2015. He moved the entire state to a 100 gigabit broadband network. His rules initiative has resulted in fewer regulations and improved public access to rules. His focus on increasing state competitiveness, for example, through technology, innovation and expansion of business opportunities in numerous economic sectors, has brought national recognition. Wyoming’s accolades include: most business friendly tax climate, third best for new business startup activity, best state to start a business, first in Mountain Region workforce development, best state to make a living, second highest rate of confidence in state government, first in nation in terms of state funding for higher education and many more. Governor Mead is currently Chair, and has also served as Vice Chair, of the Natural Resources Committee of the National Governors Association. He serves as Co-chair of the State and Federal Sage Grouse Task Force. He is past Chairman (2015-16) of the Western Governors’ Association where his Chairman’s Initiative, a continuing one, was Species Conservation and the Endangered Species Act.

Governor Steve Bullock

Governor Bullock is committed to ensuring that Montana remains the best state in the nation to live, work, start a business and raise a family. As former attorney general and as governor, Bullock believes Montanans should determine their energy future through a balanced and responsible plan that provides good-paying jobs for Montanans, strengthens rural communities and supports local schools, all while safeguarding the state’s clean air and water, public lands, and quality of life. Last year, Bullock released an Energy Blueprint that builds on previous accomplishments to drive economic growth by improving Montana’s traditional base of energy while sparking a new generation of clean technology business, including: building Montana’s energy presence in the region; further realizing the potential for wind and solar power; building carbon capture and enhanced oil recovery opportunities; improving energy efficiency; and effectively utilizing water resources.


1:40 - 2:40 pm – Session 5: Repowering the Western Economy

The changes underway in the electricity sector are accelerating even though the Clean Power Plan is being withdrawn by EPA. With no federal mandate, utilities and commissions must make 20-year investment decisions in the face of tremendous uncertainty. This panel will discuss the key issues facing electric utilities, state policy makers, cities, and corporations as part of the transition to a low-carbon electric grid. The panel will also examine the new opportunities for electric utilities to expand their businesses and lower emissions by electrifying the transportation sector and other energy end uses and powering those sectors with clean electricity.


Patrick Cummins
Senior Policy Advisor, Center for the New Energy Economy

Patrick Cummins is a Senior Policy Advisor at the Center for the New Energy Economy where he leads the Center’s work with Western states, utilities, and stakeholders on the transition to a low-carbon economy. Patrick has been working with Western states and stakeholders on air quality and climate programs for 30 years, including at Metro Denver’s Regional Air Quality Council, and as the Director of Air Quality and Climate Programs at the Western Governors’ Association. Prior to joining Governor Ritter’s team at CSU he served as Executive Director of the Western Climate Initiative, where he helped develop and implement the world’s first economy-wide cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions which is being implemented by the State of California and the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Patrick has a Chemistry Degree from Fort Lewis and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Policy from Indiana University.


Dr. Laura Nelson

Governor’s Energy Advisor and Executive Director, Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development

See bio above




Cathy Woollums

Senior Vice President, Environmental & Chief Environmental Counsel, Berkshire Hathaway Energy

See bio above



Chairman Jeffrey Ackermann
Colorado Public Utilities Commission

Jeffrey Ackermann was appointed Chairman of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) effective Jan. 9, 2017 by Gov. John Hickenlooper. His four-year term expires in January 2021. Prior to his appointment, Jeff served as executive director of the Colorado Energy Office (CEO). Under his leadership, CEO made significant strides in improving innovative production and efficient consumption of Colorado’s energy resources. He has more than three decades of experience in state government and the energy sector. Previous to his CEO appointment, Jeff led the research efforts at the PUC, focusing on issues ranging from electric system planning to the regulatory implications of emerging technologies. Jeff also served as an advisor to the commissioners on energy efficiency (demand-side management). Jeff started his professional career in the service of low-income energy consumers, twice as director of the state’s energy efficiency assistance program (weatherization) as well as an advocate for energy consumers with the state’s nonprofit energy assistance fund. Jeff earned a bachelor’s degree from Albion College and a master’s degree in non-profit management from Regis University.

2:50 - 3:50 pm: Session 6: A Global Perspective — How is the World Energy Economy Transitioning?

This panel session will discuss megatrends and associated challenges relating to energy security and the impending transition to low carbon energy future on a global scale.


Morgan DeFoort
CEO and co-founder of Factor[e] Ventures

Dr. Morgan DeFoort is the CEO and co-founder of Factor[e] Ventures, as well as a Research Fellow and former Co-Director of the Energy Institute at Colorado State University. Morgan received his B.A. in Physics from Hastings College and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University. In his R&D career, Morgan managed R&D teams working in emissions control, advanced ignition systems, bio‐fuels, biomass combustion, and technology for sustainable development (cookstoves, energy, and sanitation). Morgan also is experienced in early stage technology and venture development, working with CSU Ventures (CSU tech-transfer group) and participating in the creation of several University technology ventures (including Envirofit International and Solix Biofuels) prior to co-founding Factor[e] Ventures. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Pivot Works, Odyssey Energy, and Homer Energy; Factor[e] portfolio companies.


Rod Rinholm

Executive Director, Business Development and Education, Gas Technology Institute (GTI)

Rod Rinholm is Executive Director, Business Development and Education for Gas Technology Institute (GTI). Primary responsibilities focus on the development and implementation of programs and technical services that benefit the energy industry and its customers. For over 25 years, Mr. Rinholm has been involved and led an array of energy technology, market analysis, and training programs for the North American and international gas industry – including positions in R&D Program Management, Business Development, and Strategy and Policy Analysis and Education. Mr. Rinholm is also currently the Acting Chairman of the Coordination Committee for the International Gas Union (IGU), where he oversees an array of activities leading to the program for the 2018 World Gas Conference in Washington, D.C. Mr. Rinholm holds a Masters of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan and an MBA from Northwestern University.

Geoff Houlton
General Manager Marketing Strategy & Fundamentals, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Geoff Houlton is currently the General Manager of Marketing Strategy & Fundamentals at Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, where he leads a team that analyzes global commodity markets to assist the company in strategic and commercial business decisions. Prior to joining Anadarko in 2013, he was a Managing Director at IHS Energy where he led the company’s global crude oil market research and analysis services. Geoff began his career at ExxonMobil’s Baytown, Texas petroleum refining complex where he held various engineering and management positions, including crude oil supply and logistics planning. He has more than 23 years of experience in the international crude oil and petroleum refining markets and has been based in Houston, Los Angeles, London and Singapore during that period. Geoff holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Refining from the Colorado School of Mines.


Morgan Bazilian

Fellow, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University

Dr. Morgan Bazilian is a non-resident Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy. He has over two decades of experience in the energy sector – and is regarded as a leading expert in international policy. His work has ranged from fiscal policy, to systems analysis, to infrastructure investment, to market regulation and governance in all areas of energy policy from upstream oil and gas to power systems. He holds a Ph.D. in energy analysis and was a Fulbright Fellow. He has published approximately 100 papers in learned journals, and his 2008 book: “Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security” is a seminal work in the field. His work has appeared in Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Affairs. Dr. Bazilian is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Advisory Council on Energy, and served as an advisor to the International Energy’s World Energy Outlook, and Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Global Energy Outlook. He holds (or has held) academic affiliations at The Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, Columbia University, Cambridge University, and IIASA. Dr. Bazilian was the European Union’s lead negotiator on technology issues at the UN’s climate change negotiations, and a member of the UNFCCC Expert Group on Technology. He was the first Chair of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Programme Board, and a founder of the UNEP Public Finance Alliance steering group. He was a contributing author to the IPCC and the Global Energy Assessment, and served as an advisor to a €200M cleantech venture capital fund and on the Global Advisory Council of the Sustainable Finance Programme at Oxford University. Previously he was a Deputy Director at NREL. Prior to that, Morgan worked in the United Nations on energy access issues. In this role he was deeply engaged with the design and implementation of the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, and managed UN-Energy. Prior to this post, he worked in the Irish Government as Chef de Cabinet for the Energy Minister, and was the Deputy CEO of the Irish National Energy Agency.

4:00-5:00 pm: Session 7 - Capstone Panel

As the Capstone Session, the panelists will recap what has been discussed during the two day energy transition symposium. In addition, they will explore how the procurement goals of the largest energy consumers are changing the markets and creating economic drivers for renewables. Industry executives and public sector leaders will provide insights on how cities, states and large corporations are making decisions that will drive energy markets.


Former Colorado Governor Bill Ritter

See bio above


David Eves
President, Xcel Energy

David Eves is president of Xcel Energy - Colorado. He also serves as a director of Public Service Company of Colorado. Previously he served as president and CEO of Southwestern Public Service Company. He also has served as vice president of Resource Planning and Acquisition for Xcel Energy, where he had responsibility for resource planning, wholesale power supply, transmission rights, and gas transportation and storage services for all of Xcel Energy’s operations in eight states. Eves received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Kansas State University in 1981. He currently serves on the board of trustees for Mile High United Way and he is on the board of directors of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver, and the Mountain States Employers Council. He is a member of the Colorado Forum and Colorado Concern. Eves has served as a past executive committee and operating committee member at Western Systems Power Pool.

Rose McKinney-James
Managing Principal, Energy Works LLC, McKinney-James & Associates

Rose McKinney-James is the former President and CEO for the Corporation for Solar Technology and Renewable Resources, (CSTRR) and a former Commissioner with the Nevada Public Service Commission, she also served as Nevada’s first Director of the Department of Business and Industry. She is currently the Managing Principal of Energy Works LLC and McKinney-James & Associates. Her firms provide business-consulting services and advocacy in the areas of public affairs, energy policy, and economic and sustainable development. A registered lobbyist with the Nevada Legislature, Rose currently represents a range of public and private entities with interests in regulatory and energy policy. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Alliance to Save Energy, the Energy Foundation and the Board Chair for American Association for Blacks in Energy (AABE). In addition, she volunteers on the Board of Three Square, and NACD Southern California and is also a member of the International Women’s Forum. Continuing her work in advancing clean energy policy she was recently appointed to serve as a member of the Sustainability Advisory Committee for Pacific Gas and Electric. In 2013 Rose was selected to serve as an Inaugural Ambassador for the U.S. DOE C3E initiative supporting increased participation by women in the clean energy sector. Rose is Chair of Nevada Partners and past Chair of The Clean Energy Project. A native of Detroit, Michigan, Ms. McKinney-James is a graduate of the Antioch School of Law in Washington D.C., and received her BA from Olivet College in Olivet, Michigan.

Dan Arvizu
Senior Advisor, Emerson Elemental, Emerson Collective; PreCourt Institute for Energy Scholar, Stanford University; Director Emeritus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dr. Dan Arvizu presently serves as Senior Advisor to the Emerson Elemental practice of Emerson Collective. He previously served as Chief Technology Officer and STEM Evangelist. He is also currently a Precourt Institute Energy Scholar and adjunct professor at Stanford University. Dr. Arvizu has had a long distinguished career in advanced energy research and development, materials and process sciences, and technology commercialization. He started his career at Bell Labs and spent more than 20 years at Sandia National Labs. He subsequently joined CH2M Hill Co., Ltd and served as an Executive and CTO. In January 2005 he became the 8th Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado where he oversaw the largest growth and infrastructure expansion in the lab’s 40-year history. He retired in December of 2015 and presently serves as Director Emeritus. Dr. Arvizu serves on a number of boards, panels and advisory committees including the State Farm Mutual Insurance Board of Directors and the Singapore International Advisory Panel on Energy. He served on the National Science Board (NSB), the governing body of the National Science Foundation, from 2004-2016 and was twice elected Chairman (2012-2016). He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Public Administration and in 2016 received the Secretary of Energy’s Exceptional Service Award for more than 3 decades of energy contributions. He is a member of the U.S. News and World Report STEM Leadership Hall of Fame, a member of the Great Minds in STEM Hispanic Science and Engineering Hall of Fame, and was awarded the 2010 Hispanic Scientist of the Year, by the Museum of Science and Industry, Tampa, Florida.

5:00 pm Adjourn